Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A trip to the unihabited Eastern Island

First, sorry about the lack of posts lately. A botulism scare has resulted in increased monitoring of the Laysan duck population, and a longer work day.

Sunrise through clouds of water vapor and birds

Laysan ducks enjoying the "Monument Seep". The duck loafing on the woody debris is a male who was born on Laysan Island and is considered one of the founders of the Midway population. The other two adults (with the eye rings) are female. There are two broods of ducklings here, one mostly downy, the other with feathers.

The 'Ewa'Ewa or Sooty terns. People who work near the nest sites of these birds for any extended period of time must wear ear protection.

A grounded 'Ewa 'Ewa. (Probably sitting on her nest.)

The Pakalakala or grey-backed tern. Alot like the 'Ewa 'Ewa but with a ..............

The 'A or Red-footed Booby.

An 'A with a chick. This is an extremely difficult shot to get........


A better view of the red feet.

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog and photos! I feel like I'm there! Spoke to Jon Jue yesterday and told him you were busy in Midway- he said Hi..
